A single kiss shattered decades of propaganda, exposing the fragile architecture of dehumanization—a truth Israel cannot contain: even in genocide, humanity refuses to be erased.
Thanks Salim .. it really was a watershed moment. So many people are getting caught in the debate about whether it is propaganda or not, whether it was coerced or not, avoiding the true profound nature of this moment, a disruption to dehumanization that will stir everybody and encourage them to challenge their status quo whether they want to or not.
They sure did. Netanyahu was seriously pissed at this display of humanity. Throwing another tantrum…In the early hours of Sunday morning local time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the prisoners would not be freed "until the release of the next hostages is guaranteed, and without the degrading ceremonies".
I showed my mom this photo and we talked about the character of the Palestinian people, and how their actions of mercy and generosity and grace are turning tides.
Thank you, Ahmed, for writing this. As others have noted, your craft and skill are exquisite. It makes me happy to see such great writing serving the truth. May Allah swt bless your hands.
Beautiful. Absolutely exquisitely written and it offers a glimmer of hope that the World will wake up from this self induced coma and finally see just who are the terrorists and who are the heroes!! Israel is an apartheid state!! Long live The Resistance!! 🇵🇸✊🏻
Body language is one of the loudest means of communicating. The ‘kiss’ seems to be reverent/respectful. It appears of saying ‘thank You’ and I hope U all get what U R striving for for over 8 decades.
Exquisite words that give lie to all that Israel represents and the justification it relies upon.
Words that resonate and reverberate like silent waves of a different, equally powerful bomb exploding. The bomb of truth that cannot be corrupted or extinguished.
Ahmed, our respect and gratitude. Kia kaha from Aotearoa NZ. Pai te mahi nui! ❤️🙏
This is beautifully written. And when you watch that young man’s body language, the kiss seems spontaneous and joyful. This is why the racist Zionists found it particularly repellent, I think. The bare idea that a young Israeli and a young Palestinian could genuinely like and respect each other! That horrifies the Zionists, but it gives me hope.
A key moment in history deserves a beautiful article like this one. Thank you
Thanks Salim .. it really was a watershed moment. So many people are getting caught in the debate about whether it is propaganda or not, whether it was coerced or not, avoiding the true profound nature of this moment, a disruption to dehumanization that will stir everybody and encourage them to challenge their status quo whether they want to or not.
Peak writing!!
Thanks Michael, I’ve been really trying to channel my grief and rage against the machine in a constructive way.
Israel’s all lies falling a part, the kiss is presenting Palestinians as a human with humanity, not the pictures those Israel painted to the world.
However, some people are blind and dumb, as Allah SWT told us in Al- Quran,
Ya-Seen, 36:9 “And we have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them so that they cannot see.”
36:10 “10. Whether you warn them or do not warn them, it is alike for them, for they do not believe.”
Masterfully written, speaking truth to power. ✊🏼
Gustav Klimt, 2025🙏💞🙌🇵🇸
One of my favorites! Although Schiele is my favorite artist!
My favourite is Modigliani 😊
I have The Kiss on my bedroom wall it’s stunning. One of my favourite artists.
On the kiss being discussed here, it’s great that the world are seeing the reality of Isreal.
Did the kisses make Israel postpone release of Palestinian hostages? Violations after violations of the ceasefire and the media still paralysed.
They sure did. Netanyahu was seriously pissed at this display of humanity. Throwing another tantrum…In the early hours of Sunday morning local time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the prisoners would not be freed "until the release of the next hostages is guaranteed, and without the degrading ceremonies".
He’s the one humiliated I guess but it’s ok when they dehumanise, torture and rape Palestinian hostages. Vile!!
This was poetry. 🧡
This is Top-Tier writing, Brother. Thank you for your analysis & perspective. *Unable to comment on your IG cuz zio 😤
I have the same problem. 5-8 comments and they ban me a week every single time.
Me too
I showed my mom this photo and we talked about the character of the Palestinian people, and how their actions of mercy and generosity and grace are turning tides.
Thank you, Ahmed, for writing this. As others have noted, your craft and skill are exquisite. It makes me happy to see such great writing serving the truth. May Allah swt bless your hands.
That was powerful and masterfully done. I will remember that moment on stage with the kiss as long as I live.
Yes, we must all say it anyway.
We must.
Beautiful. Absolutely exquisitely written and it offers a glimmer of hope that the World will wake up from this self induced coma and finally see just who are the terrorists and who are the heroes!! Israel is an apartheid state!! Long live The Resistance!! 🇵🇸✊🏻
Amazing, powerful writing Ahmed. You are a shining light and so appreciated. 🙏♥️😊🇵🇸
I wish that the people who really need to read this do.
Body language is one of the loudest means of communicating. The ‘kiss’ seems to be reverent/respectful. It appears of saying ‘thank You’ and I hope U all get what U R striving for for over 8 decades.
Exquisite words that give lie to all that Israel represents and the justification it relies upon.
Words that resonate and reverberate like silent waves of a different, equally powerful bomb exploding. The bomb of truth that cannot be corrupted or extinguished.
Ahmed, our respect and gratitude. Kia kaha from Aotearoa NZ. Pai te mahi nui! ❤️🙏
This is beautifully written. And when you watch that young man’s body language, the kiss seems spontaneous and joyful. This is why the racist Zionists found it particularly repellent, I think. The bare idea that a young Israeli and a young Palestinian could genuinely like and respect each other! That horrifies the Zionists, but it gives me hope.